The history of all times, and of today especially, teaches that ... women will be forgotten if they forget to think about themselves. -Louise Otto

Monday, November 3, 2008

November in a Nutshell

Explore what your hunger has to tell you.

Focus on feeling great, and the looking good part will follow.

You can't make anyone healthier. That's a decision we all come to on our own.

Worst-case thinking makes life harder. Expect things to go smoothly for a change.

Money responds to the way you treat it. If you want stability, treat it with care.

When you feel the urge to react, ask why. Respond with gentleness.

Healthy foods should be enjoyed, not endured.

Stop looking for excuses to sit still. Find reasons to get up and move.

Stronger immunity isn't found in a bottle, but in sound lifestyle choices.

Your family can teach you about who you want, and don't want, to be. Heed the lesson.

-Teri Trespicio

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