The history of all times, and of today especially, teaches that ... women will be forgotten if they forget to think about themselves. -Louise Otto

Friday, October 31, 2008

Candy Corn Wishes and Halloween Dreams!

Trick or Treat! As many of you hear your doorbells ringing as the ghouls, goblins, princesses, Indiana Jones', and Presidential Candidates come seeking "tricks" or "treats", remember the following:

  • Halloween candy and treats are calorie and fat free

  • Candy corn is considered a serving of vegetables

  • It's okay to be a real witch today! (Well, actually, it's okay to be a witch any time you feel like my humble opinion) I have flying monkeys and I am not afraid to use them...

  • Take the opportunity to vote early today in costume! How much fun will that be???

  • Dust off your old "Thriller" album and send it for a good spin

Have a spooktakular day today and enjoy the fun!


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